Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Translation Service...

"And when I asked you how you'd been
I meant I missed you more than I've ever missed anything before."

Reblogged from i wrote this for you
just found this blog and i absolutely love the images+words

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

“Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves
- regret for the past and fear of the future.”
— Fulton Oursler

Pinky & The Brain

Monday, May 25, 2009

Pressing On...

aaah, life! It's so easy to get discouraged when things aren't going right but I guess the right attitude is in pressing on 'cause you know what you can achieve. You can't let others build dreams for you... you gotta have your own dreams & purpose and work towards making 'em a reality... all within God's will, of course!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

happy sunday!!!

Satan is under my feet!

Eres mi amigo fiel :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009


“I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles. ”
— Audrey Hepburn

images via iamblessed

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours...

Ludwig van Beethoven - "Immortal beloved"

The Third Letter
Good morning, on July 7
Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, now and then joyfully, then sadly, waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us - I can live only wholly with you or not at all - Yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, and can send my soul enwrapped in you into the land of spirits - Yes, unhappily it must be so - You will be the more contained since you know my fidelity to you. No one else can ever possess my heart - never - never - Oh God, why must one be parted from one whom one so loves. And yet my life in V is now a wretched life - Your love makes me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men - At my age I need a steady, quiet life - can that be so in our connection? My angel, I have just been told that the mailcoach goes every day - therefore I must close at once so that you may receive the letter at once - Be calm, only by a calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together - Be calm - love me - today - yesterday - what tearful longings for you - you - you - my life - my all - farewell. Oh continue to love me - never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
ever thine
ever mine
ever ours

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


the longest journey begins with a single step...

So True!

image via kari-shma

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I don't write anymore! *sigh* i'm not sure if it's because
(a) i have nothing to write about
(b) i don't feel like sharing my thoughts, lest you think i'm insane
(c) i have too much to say and too little time to say it
(d) i think you'd think it's nonsensical and boring (not like i share everything i write here though :p)

I used to like writing...I still do, kinda. It makes things surface in your mind...sometimes helps in clarifying situations, helping you view things in a more logical manner. I miss writing, kinda! It's summer and I usually catch up on reading novels and writing random ish in this time...but then i guess i could attribute my lack of creativity to the fact that the friggin' weather is still not screaming SUMMER!! I mean, the sun is out and all, but i still have to put on a sweater and scarf most days and that just sucks.. really!

this made me smile :))

images via Wonder

Monday, May 18, 2009

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep
to gain that which he can never loose"
- Jim Elliot

Sunday, May 17, 2009


but the sun really does.... oh, never mind! :P



words to live by :))

images via icanread

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Love Is You

(song by Chrisette Michele)

Love is kind when the world is cold
Love stays strong when the fight gets old
Love's a shoulder to lean on
Love is you
Love's like the water when the well runs dry
Quench my thirst, keep me alive
Just need one sip baby
Love is you

Love's my permission to be who I am
No inhibitions cause you understand
Freedom to breathe oh baby
Love is you
Love's like a kiss when the sun goes down
Holds me tight when no one's around
Love's what I want to hold on to
Love is you

As much as I've tried to clarify
Love's quite simple, he's just my guy
Perfect definition
Love is you

(For Is You!)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009


My mind just flashed back to when i was 15...working on my A-levels in Brighton, UK. It was the first time I'd ever been away from home. I was at an all-girls boarding school and had a room to myself...but then i was 15, away from home and terribly home-sick and a lil' worried about making new friends. I randomly walked into a store someday and found "glow in the dark" stars, so i bought them and put them all up on the ceiling in my room. Whenever it was time to turn the lights out, it was very calming to lay on my back and look up at the ceiling and dream that I was somewhere in the clouds... living among the stars. Aaah, bliss! I guess it was my way to escape the fact that i was growing up. hehe! I mean, i went on to make some really great friends in that time and i absolutely loved my year in Brighton but i do know that those little stars helped me make it through the first few home-sick days...even if i only got to stare at them for a few hours a day.

i'm not sure why... but i suddenly feel the need to go out and search for "glow in the dark" stars....approximately 10 years later. I guess i'm still getting used to being a grown-up, or something like it.
this is my mind...
and this is me...

Friday, May 8, 2009

God it hurts

(by Amy Louise Kerswell)

I said 'God it hurts'
And God said 'I Know'
I said 'God I cry a lot'
And God said 'That's why I gave you tears'
I said 'God I get so depressed'
And God said 'That why I gave you sunshine'
I said 'God I feel alone'
And God said 'That's why I gave you loved ones'
I said 'God my loved one is dead'
And God said, 'I watched mine nailed to the cross'
I said 'God Where are they? '
And God said 'Mine is on my right and yours is in the light.
I said 'God it hurts'
And God said 'I know'

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Odd Day!!! 5-7-9 y'all... :p

song for the day: Look at me now. lyrics here

Today's been a random day. I've been up since 'bout 7am and i can't really point at what i've done all day but i've been pretty busy all day. Hmm! Maybe i randomly passed out and didn't know - yea, that's probably it...that's gotta be it!

*sigh* i think i'm a little addicted to the internet. It's been pretty easy to keep away from TV but i keep finding reasons to get online for random things that won't add any value to my life. Sheesh! Me neeeeds to get a grip! I guess the first step is closing my browser and trying not to open it 'til i'm done with work eh? Hmm, let's see how that goes... Maybe tomorrow i'll switch off the wireless for most of the day - that worked at some point before. lol!
When it comes to relationships, maybe we’re all in glass houses and shouldn’t throw stones. Because you can never really know. Some people are settling down, some are settling, and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies.
Sex & The City (via chrisabigail)(via overflowing)


Just saw this video and i can't stop laughing! Oh my days..... oh my freaking days....


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oh Snap!

I spent most of the day watching the last few episodes of 24. That show, as silly as it is, is freaking addictive! Argh... now i have to make up for lost time somehow. Still got some cleaning to do, research & workout. Well, it's just 4pm so i should be able to somehow get all that done - i just won't sleep early tonight as my punishment. hehe!

Other than that, today's my sisters' birthday. They (twins) are 30somn *cough* today and I wish I was with them right now to celebrate but as luck would have it, we're all in different corners of the world. I thank God for them though and I pray that this year will be even more fantastic for them than it's been so far and that God blesses them with many many more years of joy & peace & love. *happy sigh* can't wait to go home, or on another family trip. hehe!

Ok, lest i get lost a-wandering on the internet and procrastinating some more, i'm off to really start my day..ahem!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

if you look riiiight in the center of the bubble, you'll find me. I like my bubble - most times. Other times i get reaaallly bored and feel the need to expand the bubble. And then things get confusing/complicated and i know it's time to shrink the bubble back to safe-size. hehe! What can i say?...i'm a simple gal and i like simple things :)

Update: ended up seeing ghosts of girlfriends past. Light movie. Entertaining nonetheless. The usual feel-good chick-flick. lol!

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!

Song for the day: Without you. lyrics here

It's been a good day. Who woulda thonk it?! No rain - just random threats of drizzles. I managed to get quite a bit of work done today so i'm giving myself a nice pat on the back. Plus i remembered to eat earlier than i have in the past two days - yaay! I was starting to get worried about myself - afterall, i love food...but i just wasn't eating. (womp, womp!) Also, i'm gonna go see a movie later on - can't decide which yet...i might just show up at the movie theatre and watch whatever's showing at the time... ya know, suprise myself... lol!

other than that, not much going on here. Still going through my "tune up" which hasn't been as easy as i'd expected it would be but it's worth it so i'll forge on!

i'll let ya know how it goes at the movies.

'til then.... xoxo;

Monday, May 4, 2009

I Speak Life...

Been listening to the Donald Lawrence album all day and that song, I Speak Life, seemed to be exactly what I needed for the day. It's been a rainy day - in more ways than one. And now i understand the saying "When it rains, it pours." But as my optimistic self, i'll see the rain as showers of blessings and nothing else. Today, I speak life!

lyrics here

Sunday, May 3, 2009


aaah, it's about that time to take a step back again and refocus. I realize that every once in a while i get really distracted by life and forget the things that are most important to me. So i give myself a check every once in a while and a "tune-up" like the way you would a car, to make sure it's in perfect running condition. So, what does the tune-up entail?... basically it's just less TV, way less useless internet usage, fewer calls (i think i've managed to cut down on calls already anyways), no junk food, more Bible-reading, more praying, more focus on schoolwork, daily workout ...hmm, i think that's about it!

I've had a good day though. Church was fantastic and I got way more out of it than i expected going in.A brand new perspective on The Lord's Prayer. It's funny how i've said this prayer for years and still, there was a newer way to look at it. Amen! Gym was good too but now i ache like mad...research - hmm, i'm still yet to do real work today...seems like it's gonna be a long night! Spent hours going through pictures from my sister's wedding week and I couldn't help but feel a little homesick... i'm sure i'll get over it in another week or so. But altogether, it's been an enlightening day (estoy contenta!) and I feel like i could take over the world right now.. hehe.. okay maybe not...okay maybe a little...fine, we'll see! :p

alright alright... i'm gonna get to work now.

xoxo ;)

image via

Friday, May 1, 2009

may day! may day!

keyword: made

Now, this may seem random but it's the story of my life. Lol! In an effort to keep busy, perhaps to stay awake (and obviously avoid funky breath) I keep chewing minty gum, eating minty chocolates... and bla bla... and it makes me hungrier than i was before i started. One would think i'd stay away from mint but i keep going back, 'til i get this random sharp pain in my tummy screaming "hungeeerrrr!!!"

So, what's the plan? I'm gonna stay off minty stuff for a while (apart from toothpaste/ mouthwash of course), and try to find alternate gum flavors etc. I'll let you know how that goes.

Other than that, it's the start of yet another month. 2009 seems to be going by so quickly - geez! I'm going back to the drawing board and checking out my list of things i need to get done this year. I refuse to let another year just pass me by without it being abso-freaking-lutely fantastic, while achieving greatness- like i know i can. I guess i'm just tired of feeling slacker-ish (or something to that effect). This would probably mean more blog material, since i'll be keeping busy - weehooo!

I really need to start putting up my weekly soundtracks again. This week has had a random collection so far. Let's see if i can put together the top 5:

1. This is our last goodbye - Scarlet Johansson
2. Pretty wings - Maxwell
3. Know - Lami ft. M.I
4. Bumper to bumper - Wande Coal
5. Golden - Chrisette Michelle