I'm a major advocate for saying "please" when you need something, and "thank you" when someone does something for you, no matter how little. My mama taught me right... so I (almost) always say my "please" and thank you."
I believe it's a simple sign of respect and appreciation when you say those two little words. That being said, I now realize that it's easy to say those two words in an insulting or unappreciative manner and THAT especially pisses me off. Examples:
1) "Could you please get the f*&^ng door? Thanks!"
2)"Please do a, b, c, d, e, f, g & z... Oh, and then r!" ... (then 5 hours later) "what were you thinking doing a, b, c, g & h? undo it please, Thanks!"
.... and the list goes on
I guess the summary is that if you're a douche-bag, then be who you are! Otherwise, say your please and thank you and appreciate the little things and the "little" people around you.... and every once in a while go out of your way to find out what you can do for them!... and then they can thank You for something for a change :)
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