I don't quite get it but I'm quite "blaah" when it comes to my research these days. Seeing as i'm currently working on my PhD, the research is All i need to do... it's what i wake up to do daily... but i've totally lost my drive and I don't know how to get back into it. And it makes life pretty annoying, seeing as it's what i need to "get out of the way" in order to move on with life but i'm really really not feeling it anymore. I'm literally taking it one day at a time. I feel like I just need to get through each day and hope all the work gets done somehow. I keep waiting for the "light bulb" moment where everything clicks, and there's "halleluyah music" in the background and I suddenly love what I'm doing again and I can't wait to get up in the morning and get to it and... and... and... I've been waiting for that day for over a year now and it's getting TIRED!
Options are as follows:
a) quit the PhD dream
b) switch research to something i'm interested in (but what if i lose interest in that, or it takes another 3 years out of me)
c) run off to some exotic island and start a fruit/coconut/bikini business (and/or)
d) hit the reset button wherever "it" all went wrong and get a do-over
frankly, i like options c & d...as unreasonable as they are :p
Ok, this is the point where i quit whining and get back to work... and you say a little prayer for me.
Just hang in there. By God's grace, you will not only finish, but finish well. We all get to that point sometimes in life, when we are at our wits end. Shoot! I am so at that point now with my school work, and thinking who even sent me sef to go for a PhD when i could've been working. Then you remember your unending quest and love for knowledge, and what drove you to it initially. Keep ur head up.
thanks mr/miss anonymous :)
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