Tuesday, March 31, 2009

:( try again!!

image via eitr

word for today...

'...they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength...' Isaiah 40:31

continue reading here

i feel like i needed this somehow...

goodnight all :)

Monday, March 30, 2009


(Click image for larger view)
The past few days in summary...

Weather :- cold w/ random threats of snow (wtf... it's the END of march!)
Mood :- blaah & blaaaaaaaah
Soundtrack :- keri hilson's album... (fave tracks - change me, knock you down, make love)
PhD research progress :- not great, not good...lots of red scribbles on white board making NO sense...i'm at a point where i feel totally clueless... ARGH!!!
Exercise progress :- not bad (2 pilates classes, 1 yoga class...no cardio)
Diet :- carbs have been my friend these last few days...cancelling out exercise progress
Weekend funtivities :- saw "I love you, man"...funny (more guy-movie-funny though)...tried writing a poem/rap in spanish, english, yoruba & french (lol, don't judge me)
Stress reliever: my random lil' squeegee thingie (green & yellow in above collage)

...as i said i would, i'm taking random pictures every day now :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

warm & fuzzies...

watching The Notebook. I think this is the first time i'm actually watching the entire movie... gives me the warm and fuzzies :) I actually find that i love most books by Nicholas Sparks that i've read and the movie adaptations haven't been half-bad...The first book of his that i read was The Wedding and i loved every second of it. I think it's a very good read for men - married, or thinking about it - but alas, no man really wants to "get in touch with his feelings." Ok, i'm getting back to my movie now...

xoxo ;)

image via Starpulse

Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's Sa-ti-daay!

I feel good about today...about the upcoming week. I've got so much to do and seemingly too little time, but I know i can can can :)

If God is for me, who can be against me?!

image via Overflowing


I've decided that i'm gonna start taking more pictures...even of the seemingly mundane moments (and i guess i get a bunch of those in my lil' village). But now, when i look back on the things that seemed so simple, I find that those are the things that make me smile... and i wish i took more pictures. So yea, i'm gonna be that annoying person holding a camera all the time - trying to freeze every moment. I'll keep you updated ;)

image via funambula
via effizzy

20 questions. i'm bored...why not?!

1. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A mommy, A singer, A ballet dancer... lol

2. What have you done in the past week to help someone else?
Umm, research for a friend's thesis...sheeesh!

3. Who is the best-dressed person you know?
hmm, my friends are pretty good dressers...can't choose right now.

4. What is on your nightstand?
Ipod speakers (i don't use anymore), a flower vase w/ dried roses, cards, and a lamp

5. If you were a cat, what kind of a cat would you be?
I don’t know cat breeds.

6. If you lived in a house surrounded by acres of trees, what particular type of tree would you want flourishing on your land?
Palm trees :)

7. What do you find to be very overrated?
getting "wasted", girl fights...

8. How many email addresses do you have?
Five...and somehow i use them all :$

9. Have you ever felt replaced?
Yuuup... c'est la vie

10. Would you rather watch football or baseball?
Football (American or Soccer)... i don't even understand baseball!

11. What is the wallpaper on your phone?

a silly face :$

12. Name a lyric from the song you’re listening to.
"You was always the cheerleader of my dreams" (knock you down - keri hilson feat. kanye & Ne-Yo)

13. Do you use a feed reader?

14. What chocolate do you always leave in the box?
Chocolates w/ fruit (any kind of fruit)

15. What would you do if you found out your ex is engaged?
I'd wish him well.

16. Do words hurt you?
Yup... depends on whose words though...

17. Are you a talker or a listener? Is it ever possible to really be both?
Both...it's possible...depends though :)

18. Have you ever walked on the beach at night?

19. Who is your favorite professional athlete?

20. Which TV show have you seen pretty much every episode of?
The Office (British & American), Coupling (British)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

life & change...

"i may still not know what i want to be when i grow up, but i do know that someday i want to live in a house filled with my books and travel souvenirs. and the walls that aren’t covered in bookshelves will be covered with photos of my family and friends. when i leave the house i will be going to a job i love, and i’ll return to a person i love. so, that’s the dream i’m working on."
— Amber Morley (via robot-heart) (via thoughtsdetained) (via notsharon) (via cassieeb) (via flummoxedbird)

I used to feel like I needed some grand plan for my future with set dates and set goals, and every time something seemed to threaten some kind of change in my life, i'd get all shook up about it and fight it. Until it finally dawned on me that I'll never have it ALL figured out and it's okay to take things one day at a time, as long as I'm working hard each day towards being a better me. This is not to say that I don't kinda see my future a certain way already, or to say that i haven't made any plans already - cause i have, but it's simply to say that I'm not afraid of things going slightly differently from my "plan" as long as I'm surrounded by the people and the things that I love, and I don't lose sight of what's really important in life.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


okay okay... i'm going to finally turn in for the night :) I must admit, i love finding random cute-ish images like this online. I guess somewhere beneath my cynical self is a hopeless romantic (or something like it :p)...eeh, comes with the territory - being a girl and all.. haha!

images via Overflowing & feckless

u know you're addicted to the internet when...

...your eyes are barely open and yet you're surfing random websites for the heck of it. Since my last post i've downloaded 2 music albums and a random lovesong mixtape, surfed about 10 other blogs, checked my emails, paid some bills... and yea, i'm still half-awake and surfing...simply because i didn't get a chance to all day... haha!

and how did Your wednesday go?!

As much as i feel super-accomplished today, i'm super-fatigued at the moment. My goodness! My body's so confused at the fact that i'm trying to switch to being a morning person (i.e. sleeping and waking up at normal hours) 'cause i typically don't reaaallly start my days 'til about noon/1pm/2pm... i know,i know.. sad...but then i don't sleep 'til about 5/6am usually... but i'm trying to change that!I realized that by the time i'm trying to get ish done most days, other people are finishing up their days. Not good! Aaah well, my point is that I'm getting "better" .. let's see how long it lasts :)

On a lighter note, i'm taking my spring break this weekend. Lol.. nevermind the fact that the official spring break was last week... but eh, i was here working on my research..kinda! I get to hang with my peoples this weekend (damn, i've been needing that for a while!) and it should be fun...plus there's a wedding in the mix - One Soldier Down! lmao

aah, speaking of weddings.. sheesh! I'm surrounded by engagements, weddings and babies! The scary part is that it's actually my friends taking the leap now....people i know!!! Does that mean i'm growing up???... noooooo! hehe... *get a grip T!* but truly, i'm excited for everyone and i wish them lots and lots of happiness and God's blessings as they get they're grown-up on.

Ok, i'm too sleepy/tired to make any more sense so i'll sign out now...

xoxo ;)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's too early for....

saw this and it made me smile. haha! i would sooo do that - sadly!

arggh...the coffee's not working! I've tried, i really have tried, to be a morning person. But i'm not! I actually have been somewhat productive today and it's just 10am. I've already been to the car shop - got an oil change & safety check on my car. Yaay! I've had breakfast, made phonecalls.. done about 2hrs of schoolwork...and now i'm ready to sleep - hahaha!

okay okay, fine... i'll get back to work. Sheeesh!

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Monday, March 16, 2009


I remember times I ambitiously tried to "catch" the raindrops in my hands when i was younger. It's still fun reaching my hands out the window when it's raining, there's something glorious about the feeling u get then. Lol! don't mind me...i'm in reminiscent mode. One of my funnest memories from my past was going out to sing and dance and play in the rain with my sisters. I feel like i need to do that again... soon!
sometimes i say too much... other times i say too little! Trying to learn the right balance to things... Life!... Go figure!

...most times~!

if it don't kill ya...it'll only make you stronger!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

just saw this and it made me smile :)... tres cute!

happy pi day!

Friday, March 13, 2009


watching Family Man when i know perfectly well that i should be sleeping. I love the movie though... very simple plot but it does make you think :)

hopefully i'll sleep off while watching the movie...


Thursday, March 12, 2009

actually, more accurately... i think i'm just generally pissed off... at myself! Go figure!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009


This morning, i was thinking about how i'm so lucky to have my faith. Actually, it started with me thinking about how screwed up my research is going (but that's why it's called Re-search isn't it?) and how frustrated I've been all semester...and basically nagging to myself (and almost anyone that'd listen). And somehow, when i'm in the lowest of low moments, i hear a voice in my head say : "Be still, and know that I am God!"... and when I think through those words, I feel myself begin to calm down a bit.

Faith - it's weird but it gets you through. It's like when little kids have nightmares and then go tell their folks that "there's a monster in my closet" and then the mother/father goes to "get rid of the monster"...and suddenly everything's okay again in that kid's world - just 'cause they believe their folks have the power to actually rid of their fears (so to speak).... that's the sorta faith that gets me through - the childlike faith that God can (and will) take care of everything concerning me.

I don't know how people make it through life otherwise. My faith brings me comfort. Even with all my imperfections (and wow, there's a long Long list of those) I know I can pray through situations and He'll hear me. I guess what i'm trying to say is that i'm encouraged by my faith to live each day....and I pray that if you haven't already, you'll have a little faith and Be encouraged!

Have a happy sunday :))

Saturday, March 7, 2009


As a child, i had dreams of becoming a great dancer someday! I discovered soon enough that I'd probably end up being a doctor/lawyer/engineer/banker...something that brings the paper home. Africans don't play that ish!

I guess I could enroll in dance classes for the summer... I don't know about being "great" but it'd be fun to take Contemporary + Salsa dance classes... o...k!

i'm the fakest bass guitar player EVER! I wish i had a real teacher (instead of the silly instructional video i have) ... i really must learn to play something before the end of summer. Ahem!

Took this picture on my way back to SC a while back. I'm sooo due another out-of-town trip! I'm 'bout to lose it!

lol...i'm not wearing a onesie! I just love over-stretching my tracky-buttoms :)

I wish i had my own lil' puppy....but I probably don't have enough time to take care of one just yet :(
Hold me?

Quotes of the week-end

"Your life is an occasion. Rise to it!"
- Mr Magorium's Magic Emporium

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

i think...

adulthood is overrated!

...and so it begins

The transformation - mind, body and spirit. Yuup! It's very necessary to be healthy in all three areas... i forget that sometimes.

This week I've decided to get my ish together. I've started eating (relatively) healthy again, I'm exercising, putting proper work schedules together (and trying to follow through) and getting back on track with my Jesus!

image via Overflowing

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


.... i'm just saying....

image via CherryLolita

Ads that make me smile


Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's March! Yaaaay....?!

I'm grateful for yet another month, but it feels like 2009 is moving way too fast. Geez!

This weekend - hmm! I was sposed to get a lot of work done, go to the movies with a friend and a whole bunch of other stuff... but i ended up staying home watching TV and random movies on hulu.com . I've had some "odd" back+neck pain all weekend...i say odd 'cause it came outta nowhere and it's made me useless to society for the most part. But today, i decided i'll crush it! Went off to CVS and got the following: heating pads for neck + lower back, motrin ibruprofen, and Bengay... and i'm using ALL of them :)) i'll be damned if i sit/sleep/chill in pain any longer than i have to!

Fun music for the day:

Seal - I've Been Loving You Too Long

I saw the Alvin Ailey dance group perform to this song last weekend; it was rather lovely! Although Seal does the song justice, I still think i prefer the original version by Otis Redding. Mmm mmm good!

have a great month of march!

xoxo ;)