Tuesday, February 17, 2009

C'est la vie

Life's funny that way...

you think you know - but you have NO idea!

We go through life, learning everyday, picking up new thoughts and habits...we acquire new dreams while we let some of the old go... but we hardly ever notice the very little changes in the day-to-day. It takes a "big" moment - accomplishment or disappointment - most times, to help us notice all the little things that led up to that point in time. For the good moments, we wonder how we got so lucky, what we did right, and how we can make 'em remain that way. For the not-so-great moments, we wonder where we went wrong, how we didn't see the signs (or chose to ignore them), if we can go back and change them, or how we can avoid them going forward.

I try to notice the little things in my day-to-day now...perhaps they'll make me more thankful/appreciative ... perhaps they'll make me more efficient ... perhaps i'll put more thought into my choices when i need to OR be more daring when i need to be ... perhaps, perhaps, perhaps ....

i thought i knew...but apparently, i've got NO clue. Everyday is yet another chance to learn something new, or rediscover the old.

la la la ....

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