So, last week I went running and got a major ankle sprain after a few miles. I assumed I over-exerted my foot and perhaps it might have something to do with the random flats I wear on the daily. Wrong!
The pain in my foot was completely gone as of a couple of days ago, so I went running. After running just over a mile, my foot started to hurt again. Once again, I just assumed the poor foot just wasn't ready for the run... so I limped back to my car and headed on home. That was a couple of days ago.
So... since then, I've been up and about, living pain-free. I've primarily been wearing my boots (it's cold y'all) and my foot seemed perfectly fine. Did quite a bit of walking yesterday, came home and felt no pain. So once again, like i usually do, I set my alarm for 6:20am (even though I didn't finally close my eyes 'til 2am last night), got up, got dressed, got in my car, and drove to school for my victory run! Now, I run in an indoor track because it's quite cold out (especially in the morning) and parking is about 0.4miles from the building... so I get a "warm-up" walk before and after my run. Anyyywhoo, I'm all dressed and pepped up to go running. I've got my pep music (Freestyle - Don't stop the rock) ready to go, and I'm walking to the building.
But wait.. is that pain i feel in my right foot? Naaah, it's fine. I'll keep walking. No, I think that's actual pain. Wait, am I limping to the building now? Shit - I'm freaking limping! Great... how the heck am I s'posed to run an hour if I can't freaking walk? But.. but.. everything was fine yesterday and I walked quite a bit. But, Oh, I was wearing my boots - not these damn shoes! Oh shit, it's gotta be the shoes! Farrrrrrrrrrrk, do i need new running shoes? I guess I do! Crapdammit! Now I have to limp back to my car? Urrrgh - I could have slept a few more hours! Urrrgh, the half-marathon is in less than 2 weeks now and I'll never be ready! Crap crap crap!
Rant done! *researching running shoes*
wish me luck...
image via
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