Ok, so maybe I totally pissed on 2009 in my post before last - I guess I was in my angry/self-pity place. It hasn't been all bad! In fact, it started off pretty well, I'd say. I officially became a PhD Candidate this year, my sister got married, I gained yet another niece, I got waaay more visits from family and friends this year... and God has been awesome in many different ways that I can't even begin to mention. And yes, I know I did nothing to deserve any of it. I guess a part of me sometimes adopts a feeling of entitlement to things I've barely worked for and in my human nature I get upset when they don't quite work out as I expect. Yes, I just came to the realization a few hours ago that i'm being a big baby! Of course I'm supposed to grieve the loss of dear ones and everything else in between, but sitting in my little corner and feeling sorry about everything won't get me where I need to be in life. So fine, I'm willing to fight for those things that are important to me. Of course I'd really rather not, but if the need comes, I'll fight instead of cowering in the corner and doing nothing like I've found myself doing sometimes.
Ok world... LET'S GO!!
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