aah, and so the simulation begins. Again! It's about that time where i start running simulations for my research again. It seems like such a simple task in my mind but i get that horrid feeling that once i start, i'll hit a glitch somewhere and the frustration will begin. So, i guess u can say that i'm frustrated from the possibility of being frustrated in the future. hehe! Okay, maybe not - just complaining for the heck of it. The future of my research actually seems promising. The end actually seems near now. Just one more year to go...atta girl!
In other news, it's been above freezing temperature for the last few days - for that, i'm tres grateful! I get to wear fewer layers :) ...but come tomorrow, it's back to snow and ice and gloom and doom.
less procrastinating...more work. Ahem!
xoxo ;)
wait...wait...actually, I just went out and it's 61F. I'm... Like ...Confused!... and happy at the same time. *runs off singing "i feel pretty, oh so pretty...i feel pretty and witty and gaaaay"*image via DoubleTakes
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