Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I woke up on the wrong side of bed, hit the snooze button a few times...but still kept waking up on the wrong side. I figured I'd just go ahead and start my day and hopefully sleep on the right side tonight.
I think I prefer Wednesdays. You?!
image via
Sunday, February 22, 2009
words to live by...
" I shall pass through this life but once.
If therefore, there be any kindness I can show,
or any good thing I can do to any fellow being,
let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it,
as I shall not pass this way again."
- William Penn
If therefore, there be any kindness I can show,
or any good thing I can do to any fellow being,
let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it,
as I shall not pass this way again."
- William Penn
touch the skies

Can't say i'm feeling much like Superwoman at the moment but I'm sure about to go conquer them books.
Asta lavista babaaay!
Have a great sunday ;)
image via Overflowing
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

There's ice outside so i'm stuck at home...not that i'm reaaallly complaining or anything. It's just that i have to get some work done and with the lovely weather it's so easy to just stay in bed all day. BUT i won't. I promise! :$
i'm quite impressed with myself! *pats self on back*... i realized i was getting nothing done at home and so i put on some warm clothing, cleaned up the ice/snow on my car, and headed straight to school at 20mph. hehe! (Yea, so i'm blogging instead of working...but i've actually put some ish together so far) i had no food at home so Dunkin Donuts was another major incentive to leave home. *smiles sheepishly and runs along*
image via CherryLolita
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
goodbye my lover...
there's something very odd about dude's voice but it fits his music so well.
love this song. today's a James Blunt day...listening to albums on repeat. Stepping away from rap music for a couple of days - if i can help it (eeh, it's great study music...even with all the incorrectness and cursing and what not).
i still need to figure out how to post music tracks without using youtube. ideas anyone?
C'est la vie
Life's funny that way...
you think you know - but you have NO idea!
We go through life, learning everyday, picking up new thoughts and habits...we acquire new dreams while we let some of the old go... but we hardly ever notice the very little changes in the day-to-day. It takes a "big" moment - accomplishment or disappointment - most times, to help us notice all the little things that led up to that point in time. For the good moments, we wonder how we got so lucky, what we did right, and how we can make 'em remain that way. For the not-so-great moments, we wonder where we went wrong, how we didn't see the signs (or chose to ignore them), if we can go back and change them, or how we can avoid them going forward.
I try to notice the little things in my day-to-day now...perhaps they'll make me more thankful/appreciative ... perhaps they'll make me more efficient ... perhaps i'll put more thought into my choices when i need to OR be more daring when i need to be ... perhaps, perhaps, perhaps ....
i thought i knew...but apparently, i've got NO clue. Everyday is yet another chance to learn something new, or rediscover the old.
la la la ....
you think you know - but you have NO idea!
We go through life, learning everyday, picking up new thoughts and habits...we acquire new dreams while we let some of the old go... but we hardly ever notice the very little changes in the day-to-day. It takes a "big" moment - accomplishment or disappointment - most times, to help us notice all the little things that led up to that point in time. For the good moments, we wonder how we got so lucky, what we did right, and how we can make 'em remain that way. For the not-so-great moments, we wonder where we went wrong, how we didn't see the signs (or chose to ignore them), if we can go back and change them, or how we can avoid them going forward.
I try to notice the little things in my day-to-day now...perhaps they'll make me more thankful/appreciative ... perhaps they'll make me more efficient ... perhaps i'll put more thought into my choices when i need to OR be more daring when i need to be ... perhaps, perhaps, perhaps ....
i thought i knew...but apparently, i've got NO clue. Everyday is yet another chance to learn something new, or rediscover the old.
la la la ....
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy "Love Day"
images via Floram
Friday, February 13, 2009
Memories: 2000/2001. Freshman year of college. I remember coming back to my dorm room and rocking my air guitar (and mic) to this song. Daily!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Since feeling is first...

Here's one of my favorite poems by ee cummings:
since feeling is first
who pays any attention
to the syntax of things
will never wholly kiss you;
wholly to be a fool
while Spring is in the world
my blood approves,
and kisses are a far better fate
than wisdom
lady i swear by all flowers. Don't cry
--the best gesture of my brain is less than
your eyelids' flutter which says
we are for each other: then
laugh, leaning back in my arms
for life's not a paragraph
And death i think is no parenthesis
image via flickr
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
i really want to go to there :o
It's been a while since i went to the beach last. I miss it. I miss the sound of the waves....the feeling of the soft sand between my toes...the cool breeze...the happy/vacation-y faces all around. Actually, i miss having outdoor fun (in the sun) in general. Altogether, it's a far cry from how i'm living now... *blank stare*
Anybody know where i can find PipeSim software?... Anybody?!
album's on repeat on my ipod!
SiMulate deez ....

In other news, it's been above freezing temperature for the last few days - for that, i'm tres grateful! I get to wear fewer layers :) ...but come tomorrow, it's back to snow and ice and gloom and doom.
less procrastinating...more work. Ahem!
xoxo ;)
wait...wait...actually, I just went out and it's 61F. I'm... Like ...Confused!... and happy at the same time. *runs off singing "i feel pretty, oh so pretty...i feel pretty and witty and gaaaay"*
image via DoubleTakes
Monday, February 9, 2009

I was at Barnes & Noble today...and I saw Valentine's Scrabble. Are you freaking kidding me?!? They'll come up with almost anything these days!
images via A.Beautiful.Revolution
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
In the words of Liz Lemon: I want to go to there....

Hope you're having a happy saturday....
off to rescue a kitten from a tree....
xoxo ;)
images via Overflowing and Moviediva
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Mission Possible!

So now, I'm at the library (yes, I'm procrastinating a bit by blogging) trying to get some work done. I figure that the trick to getting any work/studying done is to leave my home so I'm not 2 seconds from the bed/couch/fridge. It seemed to work while I was getting ready for my exam so I'll try making it a habit now. Hopefully the snow doesn't get too bad on any given day, giving me an excuse to stay home not doing very much. I want to schedule my Comprehensive exam by the end of this semester, which means I need to get somewhere with my research soooo, I gats to buckle up. Ahem!
Other than that, I discovered a new way to lose weight - stress! Apparently, I lost a lot of weight. Annoyingly, it was whilst eating lots of pizza, mc donalds and vending machine food. I wasn't even trying this time around. I guess the trick is to stay busy and think a lot. Lol! But really, I have a feeling it's all going to pile right back on now that i'm calmer. crappit! The sensible thing to do would be to head to the gym's...cold! Well, we'll see... maybe I'll work out at home.
Ok, this post has gotten waaay too long. Getting back to work now.
Have a nice day - whatever's left of it :)
xoxo ;)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
One Down!
...yaaaah guessed it! I PASSED MY EXAM!!! Woohoooooo :) It feels so surreal that it's over now...
One down!
Next bridge to cross - Comprehensive Exam...but that's not for another few months!
God is good! I can't honestly say that my passing that exam had anything to do with me. It all just went so smoothly, it was so easy to see the hand of God in it all....His mercies endureth forever!
So, what have i done since then?! I went out for drinks Friday night (sadly, was fast asleep by midnight)...Watched movies all day Saturday - saw Taken and Defiance. If you haven't seen Taken yet, you should. Liam Neeson is soooo kick-ass in it! And now, it's Sunday - went to church, saw more movies at home and did a lot of eating and sleeping and chilling....feels gooood!
Sadly, Sunday's coming to an end already and if i'm going to actually try to graduate within the next year, I better pick up on my work by tomorrow. But...yaaaay, I passed my exam :)) Just wanted to share that with y'all.
Until tomorrow's blog entry.... I'm OUT!
xoxo ;)
One down!
Next bridge to cross - Comprehensive Exam...but that's not for another few months!
God is good! I can't honestly say that my passing that exam had anything to do with me. It all just went so smoothly, it was so easy to see the hand of God in it all....His mercies endureth forever!
So, what have i done since then?! I went out for drinks Friday night (sadly, was fast asleep by midnight)...Watched movies all day Saturday - saw Taken and Defiance. If you haven't seen Taken yet, you should. Liam Neeson is soooo kick-ass in it! And now, it's Sunday - went to church, saw more movies at home and did a lot of eating and sleeping and chilling....feels gooood!
Sadly, Sunday's coming to an end already and if i'm going to actually try to graduate within the next year, I better pick up on my work by tomorrow. But...yaaaay, I passed my exam :)) Just wanted to share that with y'all.
Until tomorrow's blog entry.... I'm OUT!
xoxo ;)
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