Monday, November 3, 2008

lady sings the blues...but dares to hope ;)

I'm a punk...i come to realize this every once in a while. I've got the blues... So, i sit here with my hot cup of tea, smoking an imaginary cigarette and thinking through my life as Pearl Bailey sings Bluegrass on the radio...but, I digress...

Earlier today, I walked past Obama's book - The Audacity of Hope - and i thought to myself ~ what a brilliant title! To have real hope requires a certain measure of gutts (audacity, if you may). Hope defies logic and looks past the imaginary lines drawn for us by ourselves and our surroundings. To hope, is to be unreasonable sometimes...almost seemingly insane in some situations. But hope is only the beginning... you don't hope and hope and ACT accordingly towards your dream. Nothing's really impossible - some things are foolish to hope foolishly never really got anyone anywhere (Or maybe it did...i'll have to get back to you with stats on that :p )

Ok, I guess i'll revise what i said and go with this - most things aren't impossible, they're just difficult ~ or seemingly difficult, whilst you're going through 'em. Without hope...without a dream, you never really move past the difficulties/obstacles that are placed in your path. These obstacles test your dreams and your determination to achieve 'em. Without hope, life is mundane and monotonous and you lose your true self to the person you're told you are.

Live, love life, dare to hope, dare to dream... life's too short to live any differently...

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