Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just because...

It's nice to pretend that I'm multilingual every once in a while... saying words I don't really understand in other languages...just 'cause! Today, I decided to look up "I love you" in other languages. Here are the ones i think sound sweet:

Hausa: Ina sonki
Albanian: Te dua
Spanish: Te amo
Italian: Ti amo
Portuguese: Eu te amo
Tagalog: Mahal kita
Persian: Tora dost daram
Kiswahili: Nakupenda
French: Je t'aime

I think they all roll off the tongue rather nicely...even if you don't have the accent full down...

Now, there are some languages that "I love you" sounds/reads rather harshly... for example:

Hungarian: Szeretlek te'ged
German: Ich liebe Dich
Bavarian: I mog di narrisch gern
Welsh: 'Rwy'n dy garu di


Don't mind me though.... I guess when you're hearing those words from the right person, they sound great however it is that they're said. But, if you're saying those words and you're not quiiiite sure just yet about the other person, stick to English or one of the kinder languages!

xoxo ;)

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