I've lived in Texas...lived in Nigeria... and I never really had much cause to complain about the sun. I quite like it. I like that I don't need to wear multiple layers of clothing, or worry about checking the weather forecast for snow/sleet days. I miss summer with all my heart and can't wait for it to come back!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
music eargasms!
that's the video for "Bad Habits." Damn, i'm hating on Kerry Washington right about now. Can't wait for the video for "fistful of tears"... that song is the TRUTH!
Ok, going back to my corner now. Good thing i'm Christian.
Meredith said that to Derek in an episode of grey's anatomy - one of the very early episodes. Surprisingly it kinda stuck with me 'cause I had a really girly "aaaawwwww" moment when I heard that. She laid all her cards down right there, no lies, no fronts - just asked to be the chosen one. And at that time, it got me thinking - how many times do we humans let opportunities pass us by because of pride or well, adhering to the "proper" order of doing things? Lol! I just remembered that today and since i share my random thoughts here, i figured why not put it up on the blog?!
have a great weekend people!
xoxo :-)
have a great weekend people!
xoxo :-)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
...i'm on a horse
this Ad made me laugh seriously the first time I saw it! Everytime I see it, it makes my heart smile... freaking hi-lariousss!!!
*then there's the other ending where he's riding the horse backwards. Sigh... LOVEESSS IT!!
Heartless *cover*
just heard this version of Kanye's song "Heartless", done by The Frays... and I must say I quite like what they did with it... and the video was very well done!! I still absolutely LOVE 808s & Heartbreak album though... I wonder what Kanye's cooking up next.. hmm!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
To my best friend: Without you, the last 6 years would have sucked majorly! You've been my biggest supporter in all the challenges I've faced through the years and you somehow always see beauty even when I think i'm a mess. I love you and appreciate you! Happy Anniversary!!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
dooo daaa diii....
Psalm for the day: Psalm 23!
Someway, somehow... i'm gonna get this fixed today! I'm going to have a beautiful weekend and make up for my missed workouts for the past 4days. Amen!
Phillipians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"
Monday, February 8, 2010
food for thought

I guess this is one those things you have to keep reminding yourself at different points in life. Some people are quick to blame, some are quick to praise...but in the end both praise & blame distract us sometimes in life when we take 'em too much to heart. I try to live life in such a way that my intentions are always good - the outcomes, however, can't always be predicted.
Is nothing new anymore?
Ugh! I was watching a random TV show while having breakfast this morning (and sorta working)... so it really was more background noise than anything.
Okay, so here's some background: Girl A used to work with Boy B in the Army, overseas. Although she was married, she fell in love with Boy B while they were out on assignment. She moved back home, reconnects with husband and tries to get her life back together (Husband has no clue she's cheated). Boy B moves to where Girl A is for work, and professes his love, but she's trying to work on her marriage so she declines. In this time, husband finds out about affair, marriage can't be repaired.. bla bla... Boy B deals with rejection, eventually meets Girl X and kinda falls for her. Girl A is now single, lonely and wondering what next... has a lightbulb moment and realizes she was always in love with Boy B. She goes over to his home to tell him, but girl X is there and he says he's not interested anymore.
Fast forward: Okay, this is the part that kills me. They steal a scene from "love & basketball." Girl A and Boy B (who are relatively cordial and have to work together) take a break from work one day and decide to play a game of basketball in that time. Then she says they should play for stakes... and when he asks what, she says she'll play him for his heart. That if she wins, they'll get back and bla bla. Obviously, they play and she loses... and then she walks away defeated and comes back half-crying, saying how it's unfair.. yadi yaaa... and then he shuts her up with a kiss.
NOW, I would've found that hella cute if i hadn't already seen that EXACT scene in "love & basketball." UGH! I hate lack of originality!
lol... rant over... back to work i go :p
Okay, so here's some background: Girl A used to work with Boy B in the Army, overseas. Although she was married, she fell in love with Boy B while they were out on assignment. She moved back home, reconnects with husband and tries to get her life back together (Husband has no clue she's cheated). Boy B moves to where Girl A is for work, and professes his love, but she's trying to work on her marriage so she declines. In this time, husband finds out about affair, marriage can't be repaired.. bla bla... Boy B deals with rejection, eventually meets Girl X and kinda falls for her. Girl A is now single, lonely and wondering what next... has a lightbulb moment and realizes she was always in love with Boy B. She goes over to his home to tell him, but girl X is there and he says he's not interested anymore.
Fast forward: Okay, this is the part that kills me. They steal a scene from "love & basketball." Girl A and Boy B (who are relatively cordial and have to work together) take a break from work one day and decide to play a game of basketball in that time. Then she says they should play for stakes... and when he asks what, she says she'll play him for his heart. That if she wins, they'll get back and bla bla. Obviously, they play and she loses... and then she walks away defeated and comes back half-crying, saying how it's unfair.. yadi yaaa... and then he shuts her up with a kiss.
NOW, I would've found that hella cute if i hadn't already seen that EXACT scene in "love & basketball." UGH! I hate lack of originality!
lol... rant over... back to work i go :p
Monday, February 1, 2010
New Week! New Month! New Attitude?
Happy new month guys!!!!! Gosh, I can't believe it's february already... I'm not quite sure where my January went (If found, please return to "lost & found" desk, thanks!). It's funny how I always start and end the year feeling overwhelmed. At the beginning of the year, I usually have all these tasks and random goals I set for myself (or well, life sets for me) and I'm filled with enthusiasm, ready to take over the world *cue "Brain" voice...from pinky & the brain*, eager to accomplish so much! By the end of the year, I suddenly remember all the things that are still left hanging, that I was s'posed to have done mooonths before and I start trying to cram 'em into November and December... eventually giving up by New Year's Eve.. making whole new plans for the year to come :-) And as you've guessed it, summertime i'm almost always on a mental holiday - lol... i know that sounds really bad but it's sooooo true!
It takes CRAZY determination for me to get anything done in the Summer. As a student, I'm accustomed to it meaning "time off" ... now as a grown-ass wanna-be student (seeing as PhDs really are s'posed to be forever serious, forever studying, forever questing for knowledge - kinda folk), I probably shouldn't be on these mental summer holidays anymore. Gosh, now I wish I was a trophy wife...but with my personality, I'd probably get sick of it after the first few days/weeks. Lol!... or maybe I'll just start up random charities and make myself think i'm working. My days will be filled with gym & spa appointments, and then champagne and brunch with the girls ... followed by some shopping. Mmmm... doesn't sound so bad now that i think of it.
Okay okay... well, I'm glad it's February... I think it's a special month 'cause it tries to be so different. One month in the year determines whether we have a leap or not. Oh Fun! Other than that, 2010's been decent for me so far. I'm not quite sure what's in store but it's still the beginning of the year and I've still got loads of optimism to share...
that being said... i've had about 2hrs of sleep so far so i gaaattsss to go take a nap... or rest.. or something!
God bless you as you bless others!
'til later...
xoxo ;)
It takes CRAZY determination for me to get anything done in the Summer. As a student, I'm accustomed to it meaning "time off" ... now as a grown-ass wanna-be student (seeing as PhDs really are s'posed to be forever serious, forever studying, forever questing for knowledge - kinda folk), I probably shouldn't be on these mental summer holidays anymore. Gosh, now I wish I was a trophy wife...but with my personality, I'd probably get sick of it after the first few days/weeks. Lol!... or maybe I'll just start up random charities and make myself think i'm working. My days will be filled with gym & spa appointments, and then champagne and brunch with the girls ... followed by some shopping. Mmmm... doesn't sound so bad now that i think of it.
Okay okay... well, I'm glad it's February... I think it's a special month 'cause it tries to be so different. One month in the year determines whether we have a leap or not. Oh Fun! Other than that, 2010's been decent for me so far. I'm not quite sure what's in store but it's still the beginning of the year and I've still got loads of optimism to share...
that being said... i've had about 2hrs of sleep so far so i gaaattsss to go take a nap... or rest.. or something!
God bless you as you bless others!
'til later...
xoxo ;)
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