Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dream on dreamer...

"Hold fast to your dreams,
for without them life is a broken wingled bird 
that cannot fly"
-Langston Hughes

I forget my dreams ever so often... and everything starts to seem pointless. I find myself measuring my achievements through the eyes of others, forgetting that we don't have the same dreams or goals. I lose focus and I covet. But somewhere deep inside, I know I don't want what they want/have. But in those few seconds/minutes, common sense eludes me and I find myself longing for a dream that was never mine. Thankfully, this isn't a permanent state of mind!

It may seem simple to you but I only dream of being happy. Truly happy! Surrounded by the ones I love - growing in love daily. Life gets so complex with time, that we find ourselves locked in a state of misery we created with our own words & actions... forgetting the simpler things that once brought us joy. I never want to get to that point. I'll stop, I'll listen, I'll pray and I'll look forward to each day knowing it's a day God has made (so I will rejoice and be glad in it!)

We dream for a reason. God puts dreams in our hearts and the ability to achieve them. Every person is different and special.  The moment we forget that, we steal the dreams of others and don't realize 'til we fail in some way, that the dreams were never ours to take.


Yoshi said...

I read your blog every once in a while...this post was super insightful. :)

T said...

thanks :)