Wednesday, March 18, 2009

and how did Your wednesday go?!

As much as i feel super-accomplished today, i'm super-fatigued at the moment. My goodness! My body's so confused at the fact that i'm trying to switch to being a morning person (i.e. sleeping and waking up at normal hours) 'cause i typically don't reaaallly start my days 'til about noon/1pm/2pm... i know,i know.. sad...but then i don't sleep 'til about 5/6am usually... but i'm trying to change that!I realized that by the time i'm trying to get ish done most days, other people are finishing up their days. Not good! Aaah well, my point is that I'm getting "better" .. let's see how long it lasts :)

On a lighter note, i'm taking my spring break this weekend. Lol.. nevermind the fact that the official spring break was last week... but eh, i was here working on my research..kinda! I get to hang with my peoples this weekend (damn, i've been needing that for a while!) and it should be there's a wedding in the mix - One Soldier Down! lmao

aah, speaking of weddings.. sheesh! I'm surrounded by engagements, weddings and babies! The scary part is that it's actually my friends taking the leap now....people i know!!! Does that mean i'm growing up???... noooooo! hehe... *get a grip T!* but truly, i'm excited for everyone and i wish them lots and lots of happiness and God's blessings as they get they're grown-up on.

Ok, i'm too sleepy/tired to make any more sense so i'll sign out now...

xoxo ;)

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