Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I was just listening to Ella Fitzgerald's Someone to watch over me and I suddenly got a very nostalgic feeling - I miss the days when music was MUSIC. Sometimes I feel like I was born into the wrong generation. Mainstream music like "my lipgloss...is poppin" or "bump and grind" or "Umbrella..ella..ella...eh eh"....is that really all we can come up with these days? Whenever I listen to the radio now it's really more for the comedy of what's out there than actual appreciation for the musical talent (because I find it so hard to find any these days...it's so RARE).

To Music:

You are more than words...
You are strings, you are drums
You are notes on a page
You are an outlet for my rage
You are hums and snaps
And stomps and claps
My soprano, my tenor
My alto and barritone
All fuse and form beautiful sounds
That express emotions so profound
To you Music - and all you have been to me
To you, and all the substance you bring
I'll hold on, only to your best
Until we meet again.

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