Saturday, October 17, 2009


Wow... i've been the laziest blogger... ever! October's MY month dammit and I'm taking what i can. I just turned 26 about a week ago *gasp* and so far, nothing! It feels like an uneventful age, but i did have an absolutely fabulous birthday - thanks to family, close friends & especially boyfriend :) He actually found a way to make SC not suck much and this birthday will go right up there in the books with the good/great ones. I'm thankful for another year of life and love and I know i'm surviving simply on God's grace 'cause I've done nothing to deserve anything I have.

Other than that... as i said, it's mid-october, and getting closer and closer to the end of 2009 and I'm really not sure how I feel about that. This year has been a TRYING year for me and my loved ones... just one thing after the other! One of my closest uncles just passed away a few days ago and I'm still really trying to get it to sink in. He was such a beautiful human being with an absolutely pure heart - always there, always helpful, almost always smiling. He was truly like a father to many of us and a fantabulous friend, and I know i can easily say for many that he will be sorely missed! I still don't really understand life & death and everything in between. Every once in a while, beautiful things happen and you meet people that make you feel like everything makes sense and just like that... in a flash.. something happens and NOTHING makes any sense anymore! I've been very blaah in the past few days - exhibiting major symptoms of fatigue even though i've barely done anything that would cause me to be remotely tired. I know it's all mental fatigue but I can't quite figure out how to shake it. Don't get me wrong, it's not depression or anything like it... it's more like the teenage-rebellion- what's the point to life and all the shit we go through - type shit! Even my thoughts are now conflicting - *sigh!*

I'm not giving up on 2009 yet. There are 2+ months left and I know that God is going to surprise me and mine in a major way! I thank God for all He's done and all He's doing BUT there've been too many tears & broken hearts... somehow we keep getting healed but we (I) need more!

Oh, and did i mention that it started snowing 2 days ago. SNOWING! In Mid-October... like, REAL SNOW....not fluff!

image via overflowing

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