Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm a Libra ?!?

So, I'm really not into zodiac signs and bla bla... but in my usual style of procrastination, I decided to look up the personality traits of a Libra woman from all sorts of random websites and here's what the consensus was:

- only sign not represented by a human or animal...makes a libra naturally unique
- The sign (scales) represents a libra's need to be fair and balanced in everything in a detached way
- slight perfectionist
- has good observation and perception skills
- narcisstic
- desires popularity
- loves art and beauty
- loves intellectual conversations
- hates being rushed, or making pressured decisions
- loves mingling
- has a natural ability to make relationships work
- though self-sufficient, is not happy alone
- thinks like a man, but reasons like a woman
- freedom-loving

Although some of these (good and bad) are true...I find it very hard to agree with a chunk of 'em. But I guess that's what the general idea is about the libra. Aaah well, thank God my stars don't determine everything about me :)

Ok, i'm getting back to work. Gosh!

image via:

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